WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour Main Theme (Nintendo 64) [11/19/2012's Pick]

3 февраля 2013 715 02:57
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In 1997 a legend was born, WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour was released for the Nintendo 64. Yes it looks very primitive compared to games nowadays but it certainly was a revolutionary game back in the day. I still can't help but boot up this game every now and then with friends. A wrestling fan had never seen any game quite like it up to this point. The controls next to perfect, the game play is awesome, and the character selection is top notch. Though it would soon be out shined by it's sequel WCW Vs. NWO: Revenge and then again by their predecessor Wrestlemania 2000, it's still great to look back at the game that started it all. Which brings us to our track today. This song is another tune that will forever lurk in your head after several hours of this game. It's catchy, heart pumping, and really gets you ready to play some World Tour!
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